In 2023, the Triangle High School Hockey League was created and Millbrook was a founding member under the name the ‘North Raleigh Wildcats.’ The team started when student-athletes from schools including St. Thomas More Academy and Millbrook came together to make it happen. High school hockey is an established sport in places up north, but the sport is still emerging in the south. There are only a few teams in the area, but last year when the league began, it gathered a lot of attention. With all of the support of the fans, the North Raleigh Wildcats hockey team has received a generous amount of funding! There has been $2,275 raised from the $3,000 goal.
With the limited number of options for club hockey teams to play, there was a lot of excitement when the league was created. The teams were also allowed to draft players from other schools who did not have teams for their schools. Millbrook junior Nick Van Kula says, “Hearing about the team made me and those involved very happy and we made each game lots of fun. It was cool to see players of different ages and teams be a part of the Millbrook team.” With lots of support each game, the players never held back to make all efforts to win each game.
Having so much support has helped this team gain lots of attention. There were free admissions to the games last season and it will hopefully be the same this year because of the mass amount of student attendance. Jimmy Powers, who played hockey his whole life and whose son, Barrett Powers, who played on last year’s team,said “Last season went good for the boys’ first time playing together and I enjoyed watching them play and have a good time while doing so.”
This season is coming up and the opening weekend of the season is March 15-16, so come out to support a newer Wildcat team!