Hoverboards are explosively fun
All around the world, Hoverboards create a fun and interesting experience for those who ride them. However, a lot can malfunction with these amazing toys, so precautions should be taken when making the best choice when purchasing one.
February 19, 2016
If you have ever considered getting yourself a Hoverboard, you may want to reconsider. Hoverboards sound fun and exciting, but it was recently found out that they can be a fire hazard. There have been reports of faulty batteries which cause explosions with the board. The large lithium ion batteries that power the board can overheat and explode under rare circumstances. These non-levitating boards are often times referred to as self-balancing scooters. When you lean forward, you speed up; when you lean back, you slow down.
Hoverboards have been banned from over 20 college campuses in the US so far. Some colleges do not mind students using them as long as they are kept out of the dorm rooms and classrooms. The UK seized over 15,000 of the boards before they were sold in stores during the holiday season. Sophomore Andrew Overton says, “I believe hoverboards are hilarious to watch and fun to play with, but ultimately are not worth the risk they present.” Many people have said that the sale of these boards should be halted completely, while many think that they should continue to be sold. State and territory electrical safety regulators are saying that the chargers supplied with the boards may not meet Australian standards which are very strict towards the boards because of all of the recent incidents with them.
Even with the dangers of owning one of these Hoverboards, a lot of people own one anyway. “They’re fun to use and rarely ever malfunction, so to own one does not put you in any kind of serious danger,” says freshman Evan Charles. The boards are more beneficial than they are harmful in the eyes of most people because of the low risk chances. Most hoverboards do not malfunction, for it is mainly the off brand hoverboards that do end up having serious malfunctions, such as explosions. There is always a chance in buying a dangerous board.
Hoverboards may be fun to use, but can pose a possible threat. They should be used at the risk of whoever is buying one. It is up to the consumer to take a ride on one of these boards!