As of Tuesday, October 1st, Terryon Thomas a 20-year-old TikToker commonly known as Mr. Prada has been arrested. He was arrested in Dallas, Texas after being suspected of stealing his deceased therapist’s vehicle. Thomas was arrested on charges of aggravated criminal damage to property, resisting an officer, and unauthorized use of a motor vehicle. His almost 4 million followers are left with many questions.
In late 2022, Thomas began gaining traction on TikTok for his comical videos, many of which he was accused of copying other creators. Through that he gained around 8 million followers across his two TikTok accounts, @mr.prada458 and @mr.prada456. He has made many now-deleted videos explaining how he did not feel bad about replicating others videos, proving that Thomas is not new to controversy.
“I remember seeing all his videos going viral about a year ago but recently, I hadn’t heard much about him until this incident. The attention and views he got on his videos had decreased a lot since he had first begun,” says senior Grace Edens. While Thomas’s decline in popularity left fans wondering what happened, he has come back and gained more media coverage in ways they wouldn’t have expected.
Thomas’s therapist, Nicholas Abraham was found dead on Sunday, September 29th in a rolled-up tarp right by a highway in Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana. This is about an hour away from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where he lived. Tangipahoa Parish officers said Abraham died from blunt force trauma to the head and that it was a “very physical, very violent death.””. Police say that Thomas fled from them in Abraham’s car before he was finally taken into custody in Texas.
Investigators are still unsure if Thomas was responsible for the death of the therapist and are continuing to look into the crime. Surveillance has shown that Abraham arrived at Thomas’s apartment on Saturday, September 28th wearing the same clothes he was found dead in the next day. Witnesses even saw Thomas dragging a tarp down the stairs of his apartment building and putting it into Abraham’s vehicle.
This incident has created a commotion on the internet causing people to speculate about Thomas’s involvement in it. Information about the crime has been posted all over social media platforms including TikTok. People are posting videos about the situation on these platforms to either inform others or make jokes of it online. Online users have searched for any evidence of Thomas’s involvement in this case and have pointed to reports of Abraham’s arrest in 2015 where he was accused of being inappropriate with his 11-year-old client.
However, Abraham’s lawyer Jarrett Ambeau has stated that the charges were dropped when the child took back the statement and apologized to Abraham. Ambeau has also come out and said that the client from 2015 was in fact not Thomas, shutting down any speculation that Abraham had an inappropriate relationship with Thomas which could have been seen as a motive for Thomas’s to commit the crime.
Senior Megan Barghout has her own thoughts on the situation, “I wouldn’t be surprised if Mr. Prada was actually involved in this crime in some way. There is a lot of evidence proving that he could be, however, I still think that none of us should assume anything until the full story is out about what truly happened that day.” Police are taking that same advice and refuse to claim that Thomas’s involvement in the crime is completely true. They are waiting until they are sure of everything before releasing statements to the public.
For now, nobody is sure what will happen in the case regarding the death of therapist Nicholas Abraham. Louisiana police continue to share that they are working to uncover all the evidence and information about the situation to solve it as soon as possible. Thomas remains under custody in Louisiana awaiting his court date that has not yet been set.
Anéssa Myers • Oct 17, 2024 at 12:16 pm
10/10 article