Millbrook FFA are good samaritans
Cleaning up trash around the Millbrook campus, sophomore Connor Jamison fulfills his job as a member of the FFA. The FFA is a great way to meet new people, gain leadership opportunities, and learn more about agriculture.
February 19, 2016
Have you ever wanted to learn more about agriculture? The Millbrook FFA is very welcoming to anyone aspiring to become a production farmer, a scientist, a doctor, a teacher, a business owner, and more. This after school activity at Millbrook is advised by Mrs. Broadwell and Mr. Currin in room 1801 and offers many leadership opportunities and gives students of Millbrook a chance to see what it is actually like to be a farmer and much more.
The FFA has been a part of Millbrook’s history for a long time and continues to impress its members and nonmembers on what education opportunities it offers. Sophomore Connor Jamison says, “There are different kinds of groups that the FFA splits off into at meetings, such as the floriculture group which teaches members about plant names.” Members also help out with cleaning up trash around campus to keep the campus clean. The service that the FFA provides for Millbrook is extremely helpful to their community. Giving to the community and learning about what helps the community and environment is something that the FFA is heavily dedicated to.
Members join for many other reasons. “I like the variety of career development events that you can compete in as well as the leadership opportunities. I love how we are a big, happy family that loves agriculture and that we can grow together to be the best leaders we can be to have an impact on the future,” says sophomore Sara Beth McLamb. They are all friendly and helpful to each other.
This year the FFA has completed a number of projects around the school, including Merry Millbrook and Millbrook Matters. They have also won many regional, state, and national competitions and worked at the State Fair picking up trash and examining plants. There is a $20 membership fee to join the club which also gets you a t-shirt. This club is a great after school activity for those who want get involved at Millbrook if you are interested in agriculture at all! The FFA keeps Millbrook green and clean!