As the class of 2025 prepares to graduate as they are now officially second semester seniors, it’s important to slow down the time and recognize all of their accomplishments over their high school careers, as they’ve spent years keeping up academic and extracurricular challenges. One senior was above and beyond in these categories and was one of the exemplary few chosen to be a Millbrook High School Outstanding Senior, Sophia Martinez.
Sophia Martinez is a senior at Millbrook who is very involved in the classroom and extracurricular activities. She is an International Baccalaureate Diploma Program student and the co-founder of the Early Pages Project. This is an organization that senior Lucy Ellis and Sophia created in their junior year, where they collected over 90 books from other students and staff members at Millbrook that were then donated to a local elementary school. “This meant a lot to me because we had to work to create the entire organization, we hosted the meetings, planned drives and created our own social media pages and website,” Martinez said about the Early Pages Project. “I am proud of this because we were able to make a difference in our community and help others.”
With being in the second semester of her senior year, Sophia has looked forward to this next exciting phase in her life. She looks forward to seeing what the future holds for her. “I know I’m going to college, and I’m going to major in psychology,” Martinez said when asked about her future after high school. She’s excited to see how she fits into a new environment and how she will change for the better over the next coming years. “I don’t think I can even predict how college will go for me, but I am so very excited to see where everything takes me and where I end up.”
Martinez was really passionate about this project because she dreams of becoming a child psychologist to help children grow and understand their emotions and health. She works as a nanny and a babysitter, and she finds it so special to help these kids in their daily lives. “I’ve also had the opportunity to volunteer with children who have physical disabilities and those on the autism spectrum, which has also made me realize what I want to do.” Her patience and kind heart allows her to have the gift of working with children.
Sophia has also always excelled in the classroom, as previously mentioned, she is a part of the rigorous IB program and has always done well in advanced placement and honors classes. Now that she’s almost done with her high school courses, she reflected back on her earlier years in high school. If she could give advice to her freshman self, she would make sure that she knew that it was okay to calm down and not rush the process, cherishing the moments as they pass her by. “I think as a freshman I was so confused about what I was supposed to do, I wanted to take as many hard classes as I could and get the best grades.” She gave great advice on finding a good friend group to stick with during high school and focusing on slowing down and thinking about what you want rather than what you think you should be. “If I could go back in time, I would take more classes that I am interested in rather than ones that give me GPA points, get to know more people and branch out of my comfort zone.” Great advice Sophia!
While reflecting, she came across her favorite memory from high school. “I would have to say my favorite memory is when I went to Windy Gap with Young Life, a club I found through my friends here at Millbrook!” During this trip, Martinez went to the mountains for a weekend with the club, and she enjoyed it because she was able to be with her friends in a peaceful environment with no phones and no worries in the world. “It was very enjoyable for me. We played games, ate good food, and grew closer, which was an amazing experience.”
Her teachers also have amazing words for Sophia. “Sophia is an Outstanding Senior because she is very welcoming to all of her peers. In her role at Millbrook, she is in a lot of leadership positions, and I think that’s a key thing, that’s what we really value at Millbrook is making everybody feel like they belong here,” said Lauren Genesky, one of Sophia’s teachers. Genesky also said, “She’s outstanding in her academics as well. She asks questions for clarification, she pushes herself academically, so she’s the perfect balance of what we look for, for outstanding seniors and a Millbrook wildcat.”
Martinez also really enjoyed her Advanced Placement psychology teacher Mrs. Holmes. She enjoyed having the class and taking the exam under Mrs. Holmes. “She inspired me so much in class, making me more interested in the topic than I already was.” She also went on to say that Mrs. Holmes inspired her also because she was dedicated and driven. “It made me work harder as she motivated me to pursue what I was interested in.”
Mrs. Holmes also had some kind words for Sophia as she moves on to this next chapter of her life. “I have no doubt that her brightest moments are still yet to come. She has an extraordinary future ahead of her, and I can’t wait to see all of the amazing things she will achieve!” Holmes also had some things that she will miss about having Sophia in her classroom and on campus. “I will truly miss Sophia’s work ethic, positivity, and insightful contributions to class discussion.” Sophia’s kind words and positive attitude radiate through everything she does, and everyone sees it!
All in all, Sophia has proven to be a hard worker, which makes her deserving of this honor. Sophia inspires her friends and peers, and it stands with all of us that we can not wait to see her impact after her departure from Millbrook. We are so proud of you Sophia! You’re going to go very far! Keep shining!