Teen Safety On The Road
No texting while driving has become the face of driving safety. The National Operation of Youth Safety has played a major part in getting kids in the know about driving and the steps to take to be a cautious driver.
May 23, 2016
May is the month of Global Youth Traffic Safety. It is a yearly campaign that is held specifically during this time of the year to raise awareness that summer is considered the deadliest time for youth to be driving. The campaign is organized and held by the National Organizations for Youth Safety Coalition (NOYS). The NOYS was founded in 1944 and was known as the Traffic Safety Collaboration. The NOYS has and still is funded by government agencies and businesses.
Since its growth in participants and partnerships with groups such as the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the organization has been able to create teen traffic safety projects in various communities. They also have partnered with AllState, who is helping them promote safe teen driving.In addition, they have created many programs for parents and teens to participate in to help become more aware of the dangers of reckless driving.
Since students are able to drive themselves off campus, it has made it even more important for them to be cautious while driving. Having distractions in the car will heighten your chance of having an accident. Senior Elise Lutz said, “Students who drive off campus, I think, are less safe.” Having the freedom to go where ever you please may lead young drivers getting into harmful driving situations. It may even be having distractions in the vehicle, such as having too many passengers. The NOYS goal to help teens gain knowledge about the ways they can protect themselves from being in harmful situations.
There are many things young drivers should be aware of when it comes to driving around school campuses, or just driving in general. While the ‘no texting while driving’ rule has became super popular, there are also some such as JST DRV, which is ‘text-like’ message to reach young drivers. This one is dedicated to making sure drivers are focused on the road that is in front of them. Even before you have your license, young teens who have their permits should start getting in the habit of knowing these tips. Sophomore Mariel Vasquez explains what she will be most aware of as she begins to drive: “I’ll definitely be mostly aware of my peers and how close people are to my car.” This shows that even before they have their license, many teens have been exposed to the consequences of unsafe driving and even the tips on how to be a great driver.
The National Operation of Youth Safety mission is to promote youth empowerment, leadership and builds partnerships that help save lives. Therefore, young drivers should always try to stare aware of their safety needs and the others around them. Drive Safely!