Tech Savvy
Life made simpler: Coffee maker alarm clock and laundry folding machine
If waking up in the morning is a drag, now there is a creative way to kick start your day with this product. Introducing the first alarm clock called the Barisieur that brews you a cup of coffee as soon as it goes off.
October 19, 2016
Life can be difficult sometimes, but with the help of these gadgets, your life can be made a lot simpler. The Barisieur and the Luandroid are household products that we all wish we could have. These cool inventions are our future and are expected to hit the market in 2017.
Wake Up and Smell the Coffee
Who would not want a hot fresh cup of coffee right off the bed in the morning? If you are a coffee lover, like many others around the world, this gadget is the ultimate thing for you. Junior Sarah Bailey says, “I love coffee, and if I could have a cup while getting ready, not just as I’m walking out the door, it would definitely improve my mornings! I would use it every day, and a coffee alarm clock would be much better than an obnoxious phone alarm.” Josh Renouf is the creator of this innovative invention. This magical coffee maker is now a reality! This device is able to serve as both a brewer for coffee and tea but also an alarm clock If you are not already sold on this product, it also has a USB port built right into the alarm clock for you to charge your phone as well! It works by placing ground of either coffee or tea and water in their designated spots before going to bed and then waking up with a fresh cup as soon as your feet are on the ground. This gadget is available for pre order now between $250 and $400 and is said to be coming out in September 2017.
Folding the way into the future
Folding your own clothes is a thing of the past! Buy the laundroid, and it will fold your clothes for you. Today we have machines that wash and dry our clothes, so why not fold them too; it is an invention of the future. By throwing an article of clothing into the Laundroid, it analyzes it and then folds it accordingly. The company has not explicitly explained how it works other than the robotics technology is confidential. It is said to take about five minutes per individual item of clothing. Senior Ibra Ndiaye states, “I don’t do my laundry, but my sister does. I do hate folding clothes when I have to though. If I had a machine that folded my own laundry, I would use it a lot and save a lot of time instead of doing it myself.” In the future, it is reported that the Laundroid will be more advanced and be able to process more clothes at a time and at a much faster rate. The future for laundry folding is at its most progressive state and is only skyrocketing up!