Student Spotlight
Susie Bradshaw: spectacular student, athlete, and political activist
provided by S. Bradshaw
Working one of many political rallies, Susie happened to run into Hillary Clinton. “I was mostly in shock that I had gotten away with sneaking back there but, it was really cool to finally see face to face the person I had been working so hard for.”
November 18, 2016
Not every typical high schooler is given the opportunity to meet a presidential candidate, but senior Susie Bradshaw did. Susie has been enthusiastic about politics from a very young age as her grandfather, Tom Bradshaw, served as Raleigh’s youngest mayor. Coming from a politically active family has influenced Susie’s interest and involvement with the Democratic party. In 2014, Susie worked vigorously on her grandfather’s campaign, as he ran for NC senate. Along with working on her grandfather’s campaign, Susie worked hard this past election season for several democratic party candidates. Her tasks included canvassing, working the phone banks, organizing volunteers and campaign events, and registering voters. Working on campaigns is hard work, but it definitely has its perks. At a political rally, Susie was given the opportunity to sit in VIP seating. She noticed a lot of well known political figures gathering in a room. This peaked her interest, so she snuck into the room and happened upon Hillary Clinton. “I was mostly in shock that I had gotten away with sneaking back there, but it was really cool to finally see face to face the person I had been working so hard for.”
Over the past summer, Susie was selected based on test scores and teacher recommendations to represent Millbrook at the Washington Journalism and Media Conference at George Mason University. This conference is designed for students who are interested in pursuing careers in journalism or media fields. Susie decided to attend as she knew this would be a great opportunity for her to explore her passion for working in politics. The conference includes speakers that are top journalists in their fields, meeting with congressmen and women on Capitol Hill, and press passes which allow students to be press at certain political events. One of Susie’s most memorable moments of the conference was touring National Geographic’s headquarters in DC. She appreciates their cutting edge journalistic approach, where they are always working on something new and extraordinary.
At Millbrook, Susie is involved in varsity tennis, student government, and is a member of National Honor Society. Susie began playing tennis 7 years ago and has played for Millbrook 4 years. “I enjoy being able to work on my game both individually, and as a team.” Susie’s highlight of Millbrook tennis was last year’s tennis match against Wakefield. Susie’s doubles match was the one that won the overall team competition. Susie’s doubles partner this year, Katie Day, describes Susie as “extremely hardworking and dedicated to the sport.” In her limited free time, Susie enjoys spending it hiking with her family and dog.
Although election outcomes are impossible to predict, one thing that is pretty certain is Susie will be behind the scenes, supporting the new round of Democratic candidates running for office.