Teacher Tribute
Ms. Conrad
Walking around the classroom, Ms. Conrad helps her student, Justice Hoskins, with one of her math problems. Ms. Conrad works hard to ensure that all of her students understand the material and know how it would be used in everyday life.
March 16, 2017
Ms. Taylor Conrad is an Advanced Functions and Modeling, Foundations of Math 2, and Math 3 Honors teacher. She has also become the co-advisor for National Honor Society. After graduating from Appalachian State University, Ms. Conrad was drawn by our school’s reputation for being one of the top schools in Wake County and applied to be one of our math teachers! Ms. Conrad came to Millbrook and has been a proud teacher here for two years. Outside of the workplace, Ms. Conrad enjoys partaking in crafty activities such as taking pottery classes and occasionally playing the guitar.
Ms. Conrad always wanted to be a teacher since she was little and decided to become a math teacher because it was her favorite subject in school. Starting your first year as a teacher in a high school would seem to be nerve racking, but Ms. Conrad said, “It was pretty easy. It’s a big school, so I still don’t know a few teachers, but overall I got situated pretty well.” She does not feel judged by the other teachers who have been here longer because they make her feel welcomed. In regards to the classroom, Ms. Conrad is strict when it comes to her students completing their homework and getting the best grades they can on their tests, while also encouraging an easy-going atmosphere. Although she is not familiar with all of the teachers at Millbrook, some of her students have become very fond of her. Junior Chloe Fieldman said, “She is a great teacher because she relates with us on a personal level and helps us understand what we are learning and how it could be used in our everyday lives.” Many of her students agree that she is a wonderful math teacher and is able to connect with them to ensure that they understand the material. In five years, Ms. Conrad said, “I see myself still teaching and maybe going back to school to get my master’s degree.” Hopefully Ms. Conrad will continue to teach at Millbrook, seeing as she is an amazing addition to the family that makes up this school!