Creative Cats
Katie Krull
Hard at work with a paintbrush in hand, junior Katie Krull has taken the arts department by storm. Katie is the Set Crew Chief, an artist, and a dancer, along with running cross-country and maintaining a strenuous and AP heavy schedule.
March 19, 2017
When asked to pick someone who truly represents a well-rounded Wildcat, junior Katie Krull takes the cake. She is unmatched in her dedication, creativity, and love for her fellow peers. Katie is involved in visual art, technical theatre, cross country, as well as ballet outside of school. Through these activities, Katie has shone to be an exceptional leader and friend who embodies the Millbrook spirit to a T.
When looking for Katie, you are most likely to find her in the auditorium painting a set piece, taking notes for rehearsal, or simply socializing with her friends. Chosen to be the set crew chief, a leadership position normally reserved for rising seniors, Katie and her co-chief were given this position as rising juniors. Her first experience as a techie was for a middle school production of Into the Woods, and was hooked from then on. She quickly realized all of her favorite artistic works were on her set pieces: her masterpieces. When being congratulated on her achievements in the theater department she said, “I am so thankful for my crew; I could not do what I do without them.”
If Katie was not busy enough as it is, she also is an artist and dancer. Katie gives endless credit to her art teachers, Ms. Moody and Mr. Davis, for helping her grow as an artist, as well as accommodating her crazy schedule. Katie loves exploring new mediums and is particularly drawn to self-portraits. “There is so much you can do with self-portraits that allow you to express a really personal message,” Katie said. In yet another artistic medium, Katie is also a ballerina. She started dance six years ago and decided to focus on ballet her freshman year and now dances with the Carolina Dance Center. She discovered this passion on somewhat of a random whim to go to a dance class with a friend who invited her. She immediately found herself fascinated with ballet because the delicate beauty of the style. In true hard-working Katie fashion, she loves watching herself improve and grow stronger as a dancer.
Along with her long list of artistic endeavors, Katie also runs cross-country and maintains a difficult schedule of AP and honors classes. She is most grateful to her friends who have supported her and kept her sane throughout every show week, race, and recital. What best encapsulates Katie Krull is her response when asked what her favorite high school experience has been. She simply said, “My high school experience has been so great, and I am so lucky to be so involved. I guess the biggest thing I will take away from high school is that as long as I have the love and support of my friends, I will always be fulfilled.”