How to make the perfect All-Star game
Over the years, All-Star games keep losing their purpose and are becoming rather pointless. All-Star games bring players, coaches and fans together once a year to have a game to showcase the players with the best talent in their respective sports.
May 18, 2017
All-Star games were once a meaningful and important game that came in the middle of a very busy and jam packed regular season schedule. These games would showcase the players with the most talent that year in their respective sport. However, over the years, All-Star games have become less and less important. In fact, many athletes do not even participate in their All-Star game. Overall, All-Star games are worthless and need to be changed in order to make them have meaning again and draw the fans and especially the players back to the game. Sophomore Parker Moore added, “When I was younger, I liked All-Star games a lot more, but now they are dumb, and the games do not mean anything.”
A quick easy way to fix an All-Star games in other sports is to make them more like MLB’s version. The MLB makes their games have meaning by saying that the league who wins the game that year, either the American League or National League, gains home field advantage during the World Series. There is one flaw in their All-Star game though; a lot of the players who are selected to play in the game decide not to participate. This just takes away from the meaning of the event and its overall purpose. One way to combat that is to follow a rule that the NHL put in place, that if you miss the All-Star game for an injury, real or fake, you cannot play in the first game back from the break.
There are a lot of good ideas that the leagues have had when it comes to All-Star games, but most all of them are not around anymore. In the past, the NHL had a game where they played North America versus the World. In the MLS, they gathered a team with the best players in their league and played against one of the best teams in the world. Bringing back these ideas are a major key in being able to make All-Star games meaningful again.
The real purpose of All-Star games is these teams need to keep the games simpler but make sure that the games have meaning again. They also need to bring the players’ interest back to the game and need to make sure that the players want to play in the game again. As of now the All-Star games across all the major sports in America are losing their popularity, and we need to change them. There are many options and ways to do so, and it is just up to the commissioners to put those changes in place.