Rise of the almighty ’18
Posing as an IB senior class, the 2016-2017 seniors finally made it to graduation. As the class of 2018 begins this harrowing process, it is important to be aware of all the deadlines and requirements before the big day!
October 30, 2017
Calling the Class of 2018! Our time has finally arrived, and while it may feel like it has been a long time coming, senior year is sure to fly by before you know it. While there are many important details associated with this momentous year, all the previous seniors have survived their last year of high school successfully. First and most importantly, you need to make sure you are set to meet your graduation requirements. In total, seniors need 26 credits to graduate. This includes four English credits, four math credits, three science credits, and a physical education credit. While Language B credits are not required to graduate, you need a minimum of two credits if you wish to enter a UNC system school after high school.
For those who are looking into colleges, the name of the game for you is deadlines! While the early action deadline for some North Carolina schools, including UNC Chapel Hill and NC State, have passed, there are still early action opportunities. Besides getting your decisions back from colleges early, there are many other benefits for early action applicants. One of the major benefits of early action is, for many schools, it will automatically enter you to be considered for other scholarships and honors programs. However, it is important to note early action is not the same as early decision, in which if accepted to that university you are binded to accept and attend that school. It is also important to consider that by applying early, colleges will not see your first semester, senior year grades. Now is also the time to begin working on your FAFSA, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. By completing the FAFSA you are considered for federal need based aid, but it may also be required for individual scholarship applications or to determine demonstrated financial aid by your colleges. If you are struggling with completing the FAFSA, Millbrook has a multitude of counselors willing and ready to help you.
Along with deadlines, college-bound seniors need to be making sure they are on track to have completed their best possible applications. For starters, students need to be asking for teacher recommendations and linking counselors into their application if they have not done so already. Recommendations can make or break your application, so you want to give your teachers plenty of time so they can give you the best possible recommendation. This is also the time to do any last minute additions to your resume. This can include running for leadership opportunities in your extracurriculars, adding on new service opportunities, or even just trying new things to give you material to write about in your essays. While it may seem like this should be your top priority, you should also give yourself time to write, edit, and share your essays with peers and teachers to ensure they are the absolute best possible. Essays are the one part of the application process you are most in control of and where you can show your personality, so be professional, but also be different. Senior counselor Ms. Cahoon advises, “Don’t be afraid to get started. This is definitely the elephant you eat one bite at a time. During the fall there are a lot of resources available to help with this process and being organized helps you take advantage of them.” While senior year contains many “lasts,” it is important to remember it can also help you ensure lots of amazing “firsts” in your future and it is up to up to stay organized and in control.