Indictment of Trump’s Ex-Chairman, Paul Manafort

Drawn in a caricatural fashion, former Campaign Chairman Paul Manafort smiles. On October 30, 2017, Paul Manafort was charged with twelve counts including conspiracy against the United States.
November 1, 2017
On Monday, October 30, Paul Manafort, also known as the ex-Campaign Chairman of President Donald Trump, was charged with multiple indictments. He, along with former Trump advisor Rick Gates, were each charged with twelve counts involving money laundering, tax evasion, and conspiring against the United States.
These charges occurred around the same time that George Papadopoulos, one of Trump’s members of his former foreign policy advisory panel, pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI involving his interactions with the Russian government.
President Donald Trump has since released a statement on Twitter stating that the Manafort indictment should be viewed as meaningless, as the charges have no ties to Trump’s campaign. So far there has been no evidence to contradict the president’s statement.