Internet as we know it may be no longer
Threatening to take away net neutrality is threatening to take away the Internet as we know it. The Internet is meant to be a forever innovating source of information that is open and free to all.
December 5, 2017
For those who are not familiar with the term net neutrality, it is the principle that Internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, without favoring or blocking particular products or websites. The net neutrality rules are what shape the Internet as we know it. President Trump’s Federal Communications Commission Chairman, Ajit Pai, wants to destroy our Internet by diminishing net neutrality. The vote that will determine whether the Internet remains an open and free space, or if online life shall be taken over and controlled by large corporations paying high dollar amounts, will take place on December 14.
Let me give you an idea of what life would be like without net neutrality. The largest and most valuable American corporations such as Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft already control the majority of online infrastructure. Even with net neutrality in place, these companies have slowed the innovation of the Internet. With no restrictions whatsoever, imagine the damage that could be done by money-hungry corporations that do not have consumers’ well-being in mind. This damage would come in many different forms. Many service providers would begin charging tolls that only well-established website companies would be able to pay, and in return these websites would get faster start-up speeds and more exposure. This would put smaller businesses at a great disadvantage and prevent innovative new ones from even getting off the ground. Some sites could potentially be blocked altogether.
English teacher Mrs. Balazs brings up a good point about the negative effects diminishing net neutrality would have on students. She stated, “As a teacher I know how imperative it is to provide open access to information to young people, and this should not be limited by companies who demand additional financial obligations. Such requirements would once again put our most vulnerable populations at a disadvantage and further the education gap.” I agree with her statement completely; it is essential to provide the public with an abundance of information in the way that the Internet does. Repealing net neutrality also adds to the issue of popularizing fake and subjective news. For example, Fox news is a huge corporation that undoubtedly has the funds necessary to ensure they remain easily accessible and trump smaller news providers. In a world with no net neutrality huge corporations like Fox news that publish fake and biased news now have a ridiculous amount of power. Many consumers who have lost access to their usual news outlet will flock over to Fox because it is available and highly promoted, not because it delivers objective stories and hard facts that are relevant to the population at large.
Net neutrality may not seem like a big deal as of right now, but if it were to be taken away, our country would be in turmoil. Do not wait until it is too late to talk about it. I urge you to visit where you can find a pre-written email to send to congress in protest of Chairman Pai’s proposal. It also has a map of protests for those who wish to get further involved in the battle for the net.