American happiness declines
Seeing that American happiness is steadily decreasing, it could be from a change in American values. Inequality is rising in all forms, and it is costing this country and its citizens.
December 16, 2017
Racial inequality, economic discrimination, and sexual harassment allegations are just a few of the problems that swept the nation in 2017. So why do Americans say that their country is the best in the world? In recent studies, it is shown that in some ways, Americans are less happy than citizens of other countries.
Although the United States is a wealthy country, this does not mean that its citizens are not suffering in other ways. This can be seen through racial inequality, which peaked in the media a few years ago. Discrimination between multiple races is separating this country. Multiple terrorists attacks occured in 2017, yet again putting a spotlight on Muslims and making them the point of discrimination, similar to the years after 9/11. Also, in the past few years, police brutality has sparked the nation. This has caused devastation and a divide between the citizens of the United States.
There seems to be immense separation between the social classes in the United States as well. Those with the most money are given the most power; as one can imagine, this becomes a problem with the lower classes. Some people higher up on the totem pole take advantage of the power they receive. This ties into the numerous sexual allegations seen throughout history in America. All throughout Hollywood, sexual harassment lawsuits have been filed on some of the biggest names in the industry. Similarly, this year, multiple allegations have been filed against powerful men holding government positions. This makes American citizens question if they can trust these people, who are given responsibilities that affect the way they live. Junior Olivia Bayabona said, “I don’t think Americans are as happy as it seems because of the amount of power that is given to people. The power causes unfair treatment of different kinds of people just because of the way they look. I believe Americans do a good job at trying to ignore the harsh reality and accept it, causing everything to look like sunshine and rainbows from the outside.”
There are many forms of inequality in America, which puts a stress on its citizens. Competition seems to be the main motive in this country, and this is what causes unhappiness among the masses. The United States is portrayed as a country of equal opportunity and freedom when that is far from the truth. According to the World Happiness Report released every year by the United Nations, Norway is first, then Denmark, Iceland, and Switzerland. The United States seemed to show a decline in social support, sense of personal freedom, lower donations, and an increase in perceived corruption of government. This is why our country falls to fourteenth on the list. America is wealthy, but it seems to lack an equality and unity amongst its people. The decrease in happiness is reported to be from social problems rather than economic causes. In order to fix these crucial problems, America must set its priorities straight. The government must establish more equality amongst its citizens such as limiting the amount of power people can have over others. Also, the main solution should be for us as a community to fight these indifferences that we face. It is up to the citizens of the United States to stand up for what they believe is right instead of allowing themselves to be unhappy.