Wake County cancels make-up days
Predicting that no more school will be missed due to snow, WCPSS recently canceled the June 11 make-up day. Students in Wake County will have spent the state’s required number of hours in class without needing to make up that day.
March 28, 2018
Wake County recently made the decision to cancel three snow make-up days. These days include Saturday, April 7 (year round calendar), Saturday, April 14 (year round calendar), and Monday, June 11 (traditional calendar). While it does not happen very often, school districts are able to get rid of make-up days if students are able to attend the minimum amount of hours in a classroom to meet state requirements for the school year. WCPSS said that they made the decision because they can assume now that no more school days will be missed due to snow. For high schoolers, this change will not have huge effects. June 11 would have been an exam make-up day anyway, which means that the only students who would have been required to attend on June 11 would have been students who missed a test earlier in the exam week.