Spectacular Students: Rose-Marie M. Bina
Standing in the front, Rose-Marie holds her flag during the Christmas parade in downtown Raleigh. This is just one of many thing that she loves to do while representing Millbrook!
May 22, 2018
Biology teacher Mrs. Clemmer describes freshman Rose-Marie Bina as “always having a smile on her face and always coming to class ready to work.” It is so hard to be able to come to school with a good attitude, but Rose-Marie manages to do it! Being a part of Colorguard, Animal Rights Club, Drama Club, Music Club, and NHSDA gives Rose-Marie a busy schedule, but does not get in the way of enjoying her freshman year! She is a student who works hard, brightens up other people’s day, and stands out as a spectacular student in the freshman class.
Being involved as a freshman can be difficult as you are still trying to learn the ropes of high school. This year, Rose-Marie was a part of Colorguard and plans on participating next year as well. “During band camp we’d practice for 12 hours a day with a 1 hour break in between and an included dinner. After band camp it would be for 4 hours after school every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.” This extra curricular takes up a lot of her time, and it definitely pays off when she is able to perform at a halftime show at the varsity football games and perform at the Christmas parade. Rose-Marie has met many of her closest friends doing Colorguard and said she enjoyed it because she was surrounded by people she loved.
There are also a lot of activities not related to school that Rose-Marie does in her free time, but plays a big role in her character. She is on her church’s Bible Quizzing team where she memorizes different books of the Bible and goes to other churches to answer questions in a competition setting. On occasion, Rose-Marie volunteers at With Love From Jesus, which is a shopping center for people who are struggling with finances, where they do not have to pay for anything. Rose-Marie is also a part of the Animal Rights Club which teaches about what happens to animals on a daily basis. In her free time she enjoys reading and is learning to play guitar. “In the future I want to be able to play songs of all kinds, from upbeat and poppy to acoustic and chill,” she said.
While doing many other spectacular things at Millbrook, she was also given a Character Education Award in October from Millbrook. Rose-Marie continues to do outstanding activities at Millbrook and outside of school as well. While participating in all of these extra curriculars, she maintains good grades and relationships with her friends. The first year of high school can be stressful for anyone, especially new people to the school, but Rose-Marie did not let that stop her from truly being a spectacular student.