IB (almost) finished
Celebrating a hard day of volunteering at Habitat for Humanity, members of IB programme line up for a picture. These students see their graduation in the near future, but continuously work hard to strive for future success.
May 23, 2018
Another year, another batch of International Baccalaureate, commonly referred as IB, students ready to complete their two year crash course to end their high school careers. When you ask an IB Student why they chose to participate in the Diploma Programme and not go the normal route of AP and honors classes, they will typically respond with “To get into college.” This year’s batch of IB students is no different, but that is not the only reason they want to receive their diplomas. Some students, like senior Jackson Lynch said, “I want to receive my diploma because it represents all of the hard work I put into the program the last two years.”
The International Baccalaureate program at Millbrook High School was implemented on March 11, 2011, according to the IBO. Mr. Baron was brought in to become the first coordinator of the Diploma Programme. He took the role and rather than remain complacent about the trajectory of the program, decided to improve on many of the aspects surrounding it. He created many programs designed to help IB students, such as IB Buddies that allow seniors to “buddy” up with juniors and tutor them in certain classes. He also remains in contact with all of the program teachers in order to maintain efficiency and to benefit the students. One of the program teachers, Mrs. Genesky, said, “[Mr. Baron] is a great representation of what the program stands for.” He understands the stress the IB Programme puts on students and does his best to relieve it. As Mr. Baron states, being successful in the program depends on how much work you put into it, and that sentiment resonates with the students.
The last two years have been brutal for most of the IB seniors, in terms of school work. Just this year, they had to complete a 3000 word essay, known as an Extended Essay or EE. They completed approximately seven Internal Assessments, along with all of the homework that comes with regular class, and they completed all of their final IB exams. However, the end to that has some of the students conflicted. When asked about the upcoming graduation, senior Johan Melina said, “I’m bittersweet. On one hand, I’m glad to finally receive my diploma; on the other hand, I’m sad that I will not see most of the people I spent the last two years fighting with. We are all a family here.” IB graduation will take place in the auditorium on Wednesday, May 30, at 6:30 pm in the auditorium. The seniors have waited for this moment for two years; they can see the light at the end of the tunnel.