School Board officials drafting a new, gender-neutral dress code policy
Depicting images of prohibited clothing, these orange posters received a huge amount of backlash from the student body and have recently been taken down. The posters were created in light of the new dress code enforcement program the Solutions Team at Millbrook sought to bring to life.
February 9, 2019
You may have noticed the bright orange posters that began to go up around school mid-January. Perhaps your teacher even took the liberty to discuss the new policy, complete with a violation records document, with your class. However, they have both been done away with by administration.
First off, the dress code itself never changed! It has been, and still is, exactly as seen on the orange posters, as well as the Millbrook website under the students’ tab. The posters, giving you a break-down of the female human body, were put out in conjunction with the new dress code enforcement program, which took a quick crash and burn. The program was created by the Solutions Team in response to several teacher concerns back in October regarding the inconsistent nature of dress code enforcement. The team was asked by administration to develop the new protocol and, after several meetings, presented the new program at the faculty meeting in January.
Since this initial exposure, the School Board has reopened the topic of dress code. However, this was unrelated to Millbrook’s new enforcement policy, as it was on the school board’s agenda prior to the arrival of our orange posters. School officials have been working to make a dress code policy, rather than it simply being a violation of the school’s code of conduct. The proposal takes a more gender-neutral approach and includes an enforcement section, which declares the enforcee must be of the same sex as the student, must address them out of earshot of other students, and must provide them with options of obtaining alternative clothing, amongst other guidelines. The board’s draft can be found here: A finalized plan can be expected by April to be implemented in the 2019-2020 school year.
The overwhelming feedback voiced by students got the word out that reform was needed. A segment on CBS 17 last Monday featured junior Leigh-Ann Jarett who discussed the school’s dress code, which she perceived to be “highly inappropriate and offensive to the student body.” Leigh-Ann also commented, “I felt as if they were sexist, and as is they targeted a certain group of people.” Other students took to Twitter to combat the offensive posters. These brave souls sought justice for those who may have been overlooked in the old policy, and it did not go unnoticed.
An improved, gender-neutral policy will likely come into play next school year. As for now, the dress code remains unchanged, and while there is no enforcement policy in play, failing to adhere to it is in violation of school policy and can be considered insubordination.