Living Fit
Self-care: Treat yourself

Devoting time to self-awareness and mindful breathing, this woman engages in a peaceful meditation session, letting her thoughts come and go freely. Meditation is one of the many beneficial forms of self-care, a practice imperative to general happiness.
March 20, 2019
It is so easy to become preoccupied with the stresses of school or work and forget to prioritize ourselves, but self-care is so important. We should all make time to indulge in the little things that make us happy because sometimes they are just what we need after a long, exhausting day of work. There are a plethora of ways to treat yourself: “Personally, I love doing face masks and painting my nails…Just taking time for myself is really good,” added junior Maddie Degroodt.
There are plenty of simple things you can do to pamper yourself that can make a big difference in your overall well-being. On an off-day, a trip to the spa is a great way to relax. Getting a massage or facial will help to take your mind off of stressful situations, and hair masks and skin care are perfect for relieving your worries while strengthening your hair and clearing your skin. Hot baths with essential oils and Epsom salt are also proven to relax the muscles and reduce soreness.
In terms of ways to physically treat your body with care, eating plenty of superfoods and staying active will give you more energy. A challenging, yet often therapeutic way of exercising is yoga. Yoga practices incorporate both meditative breathing and muscle-strengthening movements. For an extra challenge, try hot yoga, which is yoga performed in hot, humid temperatures to allow you to sweat out toxins during your practice. Developing a habitual sleep schedule is also imperative. Another way to treat your body well is drinking tea; the healthiest types include matcha, peppermint, chamomile, ginger, turmeric, and echinacea tea. Drinking tea can help to soothe a sore throat, reduce the effects of a cold, lower blood pressure, aid digestion, lower cholesterol, keep your skin clear, and more. Also, establish a regular sleep schedule, as sleep is imperative to the proper function of your body during the day–you will thank yourself later for getting a full night’s rest.
Other forms of self-care include finding ways to clear your head and take your mind off of stressful thoughts. Simply getting outside or setting aside time during which you do not have anything planned will guarantee that you will have time to relax during the day. Also make time to spend with your friends and family, as well as to devote to non-work or school-related hobbies. Ensuring you have time to do the things you love is crucial to your happiness and will keep the stress from getting to you. Journaling is a great way to get your thoughts out on paper to clear your mind if you are feeling overwhelmed. Meditation will allow for similar results. Whether you choose to utilize guided meditations through apps or videos or do a practice on your own, taking time to just breathe and think is great for relieving stress.
Taking care of yourself is extremely important, and it can be easy to forget amidst an overwhelming to-do list and busy lifestyle. Try anything from taking a trip to the spa to eating well to meditating; integrating self-care into your life will contribute to your everyday contentment and self-appreciation.