Let’s get Stylish! Hair Edition
Hair can be a hassle to take care of, but with these unique styles you will have fun. Trying these options will get you out of your comfort zone as well as bring your creative style out.
March 20, 2019
Getting out of bed in the morning and having your hair a mess can be frustrating, but what can you do to fix it? Sometimes it is very hard to pick out a style that is right for a bad-hair day, but here are two that you should try.
For those who have straight hair, braiding is a good option. Braiding your hair can be a challenge, but if you have patience and a little time, it will come out the way you want it to. To do this look you, will need to get a fake donut bun or a tube sock or you have the option to do a ponytail and wrap it around until it forms a normal bun. Before doing this, make sure that you leave out a portion of hair to braid. When using a donut bun, start with a regular ponytail, then pull your hair through the donut and let it fall over, covering the donut bun completely. Finally, place your hand over the bun and secure it with an elastic. After this, take the braided section and wrap it around the bun, securing it with either bobby pins or an elastic to create the final look.
For those who have tight, naturally curly hair, you have the option to do Bantu knots. To do this hairstyle, you will need elastics, bobby pins, water, and a type of moisturizer. First, section your hair into boxes or triangles with a comb and use bobby pins to keep them in place. Then, individually spray and moisturize the sections to keep them in place (as well as healthy and beautiful if you decide to take them out). After doing this, twist your hair continuously until it wraps around itself bolt like to create a Bantu knot. Finally, take it and secure the section with a bobby pin or an elastic rubber band. An extra step that you may try is taking mousse and applying it all over your hair for a good finish.
Styling uncooperative hair is not too hard and with these helpful tricks. Hopefully this will cut the hassle out in the morning and get you out the door faster.