House Speaker Nancy Pelosi speaks out against Donald Trump
Speaking at a meeting, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi confronts the media about her strong opinions. Recently, tensions between her and President Donald Trump have increased, as she is advocating for his impeachment when she references him being a part of a cover-up story in order to stay in office.
May 23, 2019
Tensions between President Donald Trump and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi continue to rise as she now confronts the media regarding Donald Trump’s being involved in a cover-up scandal. This scandal involves Trump’s recent relations with Russia and the allegations that Russia interfered with the 2016 Presidential election. This scandal also confronts President Trump and the latest Mueller report that investigated Russian interference in the election, and it contained documents and conclusions and reported these findings for the public. Pelosi has recently been a strong advocate for impeaching President Trump, and following these attempts, Congress has begun to conduct an investigation on the President and his actions. The President and his administration are now being accused by Democrats of refusing and blocking Congress from obtaining evidence, testimony, and referenced documents, therefore causing the investigation to be delayed.
Going forward, impeachment talk will continue as President Trump continues to put himself in hot water with the way that he handles conversations and situations with others. In addition, nearly half of the 24 Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee, who have the power to impeach the President, have spoken out about the possibility. These inquiries surfaced again on Monday, May 20, preceding Rep. Justin Amash’s comments supporting impeachment this past weekend.
Although not all Democrats are on board for Trump’s impeachment, they may be tempted to join the group soon. This is because of their increased irritation and frustration with President Trump and his administration, along with the way they are resisting multiple subpoenas by Congress when they requested documents that would most-likely convict him.