Learning about Enneagrams
Splitting into nine sections the Enneagram test shows personality types in different ways. Enneagram tests are a way to find out what kind of person you are and how you react to situations.
October 22, 2019
The recently popularized Enneagram test has shown people not only who they are, but how they are. Enneagrams allow people to see what kind of personality they have. The term Enneagram comes from the Greek words Ennea (nine) and gram (a drawn figure). The test refers to a circle inscribed by nine points, which is used as a symbol to arrange and depict nine personality styles. The Enneagram is not new; in fact, it can be traced back 4000 years ago by Pythagoreans, who were interested in a deeper meaning of numbers and awareness. Plato, a famous Greek philosopher, also studied this test.
The nine personality types are the Reformer, the Helper, the Achiever, the Individualist, the Investigator, the Loyalist, the Enthusiast, the Challenger, and the Peacemaker. The Reformer is the more rationalistic, perfectionistic, and self-controlled type. Helpers are people who are more caring and generous. Achievers are people who are centered around success and are very driven, while Individualists are more withdrawn, self-absorbed, and temperamental. Investigators are more intense and isolated than others. Loyalists are very committed and can be a bit anxious. Enthusiasts are those of us who are more fun loving and spontaneous. Challengers are very dominant and tend to be aggressive. The Peacemakers are easy-going and agreeable. All of these types are very different from one another and can help us to see what motivates us and show how diverse people can be. The Enneagram can also serve as an interesting way to learn more about yourself and even reveal some parts of ourselves that may be different than how we think. Senior Nia Anderson said, “I took it for the first time in tenth grade; it surprised me how accurate it was. It kind of called me out in some aspects and made me realize how I see the world. I take it once a year just to see how much I have changed as a person every year.”
Enneagrams have become increasingly popular through social media, specifically on Tik Tok. The application features videos that often show different people’s views and how they feel about the results. It seems that many are joining the bandwagon. In fact, a band called Sleeping at Last has created songs for each of the nine personality types. They even provide an Enneagram test on their website, which asks questions about emotional status, social life, and the way you act. They also have a spotify playlist which also is attached to the test. After taking the test, it leads you to which song best matches with you, or something you may be going through.
Our quest to know more about our purpose and meaning in life leads us to be introspective about what makes us who we are. The Enneagram has proven to be an effective and interesting tool for many to discover more about what drives us, our purpose, and how to best navigate our own journeys.