Not getting enough sleep?
Displayed is a bottle of melatonin pills. Three milligrams is a safe amount to start off with to decrease the chance of negative side effects.
December 14, 2019
Melatonin, a hormone released naturally in one’s body at nighttime, is called the “hormone of darkness” for a reason. Located in your brain, it remains inactive until about 9 pm, and then it releases into your blood from the pineal gland and makes you feel sleepy. Those who have insomnia or trouble sleeping also have the option of taking it artificially in the form of a pill that can be bought at a drugstore. Because it does not require a prescription to purchase, anyone can use it. However, it is not good for everyone to take, and there are several ways to determine whether or not it should be consumed.
Before taking this sleeping pill, you should check with your doctor. It should not be used by those who are pregnant, have diabetes, depression, autoimmune disorders, or high blood pressure. In general, it is not safe for children to take. If unable to take the hormone artificially, there are natural ways to obtain it, including the avoidance of bright lights, especially blue light. Basically, you should stay away from screens around the time you want to go to sleep. Instead of going on your phone, computer, or watching television, read a book with a book light, and turn off all overhead lights. If this still does not work and your doctor approves of taking it, there are benefits as well as risks involved to be aware of.
Many people say that waking up in the morning after taking melatonin makes them groggy to the point of having trouble getting out of bed. Some experience dizziness, nausea, or headaches. However, the most interesting and commonly talked about side effect is the insanely bizarre dreams that people have. It is a result of the better quality of sleep, which causes the dreams to play out as vivid as a drama you would see on TV. They can involve ones that a person will remember with a shudder and have the possibility of disturbing the dreamer with haunting visions. They can also simply make you look back on it with a frown. Junior Hannah Foley described one of her melatonin dreams: “I was getting my nails done with the UNC basketball team, but the whole team was asleep.” If this happens to you, take less of the supplement.
It is important to remember that melatonin should not be taken long term. You should not depend on it to go to sleep every night; it is meant to revise your internal clock. Studies have shown that there are no benefits to the pill at all, but everyone experiences it differently. If you have trouble sleeping, look more into melatonin, and discover if it is right for you. There is a chance that it will help you regain a healthy sleep schedule to be recharged and properly functioning the next morning.