Knowing what Young Life is
Taking a break from their camp activities, junior girls Ashley Brady, Sydney Hartis, Ashley Burnette, and Annascott Hunt, all show how much joy going to camp can bring. This was during fall camp, which takes place every year at Windy Gap, a YL campsite in Weaverville, NC.
December 16, 2019
Young Life (YL) is a Christian ministry that reaches out to people of all ages, including middle school, high school, and college students. YL is a non-profit organization, funded through the donations of individuals, foundations, and businesses. Their main goal is to introduce people to Jesus Christ and help them grow in their faith. They accomplish their goals by praying for young people, providing fun and skill-building experiences with them, and personally reaching out to students. Young Life’s main values are staying true to the gospel, scripture, and seeking out each and every kind of person who pursues God.
Young Life’s vision was created in the early 1930s by an elderly woman named Clara Frasher who would pray for the teenagers at her nearby high school. Six years later, during the spring of 1939, a young seminarian named Jim Rayburn started a chapter in his book club. As he started this chapter, he began to work with a pastor, Clyde Kennedy. Kennedy and Rayburn worked together to help spread God’s word to young people all around. They both decided that the best setting would be at a Young Life club. Club involved lively singing, skits, and short talk about Jesus Christ. People who made the decision to follow Christ became involved in campaigners, a discipleship group where they participated in Bible study, prayer, and sharing.
Although Young Life has club and campaigners, they also have many campsites where people all across the United States and even worldwide can visit. These camps incorporate Christian messages presented in a camp setting along with typical camp activities. Camping involves adventure, lots of fun, great food, and excellent speakers who understand and respect high school and middle school kids. The housing for camp allows for up to ten people to stay in a room and share a bathhouse. Many of the activities include ropes courses, swimming pools, slides, zip-lines, huge swings, basketball, and horseback riding. Although Young life reaches out to many students and young people, they also have family camps where you can enjoy the same activities with your family. Guests usually go for a week, and for fall camp you go for just a weekend. Participants can also volunteer at campsites, after undergoing an application process and many interviews. This is also called work crew, where you help make food, clean up rooms, and work at the cafes.
Young Life also has leaders for each grade and gender. A Young Life leader is a mentor who is in college. Young Life leaders come from various backgrounds who all want the same thing: God’s best for kids. Leaders really leave a positive impact on youth and create bonds that will last a long time.
At Millbrook, Young Life is a way for many students to take their mind off of a stressful week and hang out with people who they might not get to see on a normal basis. Junior Sophie Preston said,“Young Life has changed me for the better. It has given me so many opportunities to create new friendships and a deeper relationship with God. Every time I go, I always feel so welcomed and that my presence really matters.” Millbrook YL has club almost every Monday, starting at 7:27pm and campaigners on Thursdays at 7pm. If you want more info or to get involved, make sure to check Millbrook YL’s instagram @Millbrookyl!