Ways to keep yourself busy: Quarantine edition
Catching up on her sleep, senior Allie Bettenhausen demonstrates how she uses her free time due to our two-month break. Read to see what you can be doing to make the most of your time!
March 26, 2020
Although it may not be ideal, we all just earned ourselves a two-month stay-cation in our very own homes. These next couple of weeks could go one of two ways: extremely productive or extremely not. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your time at home!
Use this opportunity to build stronger relationships with the people in your household. Whether that be family or friends, there are many activities you can do to bond with them. A simple but popular choice is to play a game! It can range anywhere between a friendly game of Uno to a competitive 1v1 basketball tournament in the driveway. Freshman Zach Wolborsky is doing just that: “While school has been out, I’ve been enjoying the time I get to spend with my family. I’ve been trying to be as active as I can, but most often, I’ve enjoyed playing with my new puppy Kobe.” The mixture of a family-friendly game and outdoor activity is the perfect combination to maximize your time.
Another thing to do to maximize your time is to participate in all the things you do not get to do on a regular basis. With our heavy-packed schedule while school is in session, something as simple as reading before bed can barely get done. Therefore, with all this time on your hands, try something new! If you have always wanted to try running, sketching, or even sleeping longer at night, now is the perfect opportunity. Senior Allie Bettenhausen commented, “I have been sleeping to make the day go by faster.” Although this is not the most productive way to spend your day, it does enhance the opportunity to catch up on all the sleep she has missed out on from previous sleepless nights due to homework.
A great way to be productive is to add structure to your days. Making a schedule may seem extreme, but it will ultimately lead you to getting the most done. If you designate a certain amount of time to each activity, you will end each day feeling not only accomplished, but exhausted and ready for the next day. For example, setting aside an hour of homework every day may not be what we are most excited to be doing during break but will keep our minds healthy and prepared for the next time we are in school. This can be writing an essay, studying old material, or even reading a couple of pages of a book.
Have fun! It is not every day where we are given this much amount of free time, so take advantage of it! Wash your hands, keep your distance from others, and most importantly, stay hopeful! We will be back to school in no time!