Living Fit: Coping with anxiety in quarantine
Following the cancellation of the school musical Anything Goes, the cast and crew decided to hold a virtual cast party from home. Remembering parts of life before quarantine and maintaining them in different ways while in isolation is one of the many ways to cope with anxiety during this new and unfamiliar time.
April 13, 2020
Due to the recent outbreak of the Coronavirus, we have all been instructed to remain in temporary quarantine as we work to fight the further spread of the disease. For those with anxiety or those who are easily overwhelmed by stressful situations, being in isolation can be difficult, as it can become easier to overthink or worry about the unknowns of the pandemic. Many of us have kept up with physical health by adjusting our workout routine so that it can be done at home or trying to cook healthy meals despite the limited supply of food we might have while trying to limit trips to the grocery store; however, mental health is also important to stay on top of while in quarantine. Although dealing with the stress that comes with such an uncertain time can be overwhelming, there are a number of healthy habits you can use to minimize it.
Senior Crosby Wood is no stranger to anxiety during quarantine, especially given that she is nearing the end of her four years at Millbrook: “Personally, college decisions have been the most stressful part of quarantine since a bunch of accepted student days were canceled. I deal with quarantine anxiety by putting things into perspective. Talking to people my age about changes in our day-to-day reminds me that I’m not the only one experiencing hardships.” It can be difficult to grapple with such sudden and drastic changes to our lives, but sometimes just stepping back and understanding that we are all in the same boat can significantly reduce stress while in isolation. Wood added, “I know that all I can do is stay at home and do my best to accept our circumstances for the time being.”
It may also help to stick to some of your former daily routine in order to adapt to the new changes that have come with staying at home. If you are used to waking up at a certain time, maybe setting your alarm like usual can keep you on track and productive, which can minimize your overall stress. Even if you have nowhere to go, getting dressed like you would if you were going to school or to hang out with friends can make it feel like the reality that existed before the Coronavirus. Try pinpointing certain tasks or activities you might be able to implement in your new daily routine in order to rid of the anxiety that arises as a result of experiencing a lot of change at once.
In addition, a fun way to keep your mind off of your anxiety triggers is to discover new interests, passions, and activities to try out during the abundance of free time you now have at home. For Crosby, this has allowed her to experiment with music: “I’ve taken up playing the piano as a hobby!” There are lots of enjoyable activities that can be done from home, so do not hesitate to try something new!
At the end of the day, there is little in our control as we wait out the dangers of the virus in our homes, but we can use what we do have the power to change to our advantage. Adopt pieces of your old routines, try new things, and remember that we are all experiencing the same thing. This too will pass.