How to make money during a pandemic
Making money during quarantine might seem impossible because nearly everything is shut down. Many options for making money are available, you just have to find what you are interested in.
May 20, 2020
During this time of social isolation, it seems as though every way to make money is restricted. Many shops are closed, and unemployment is on the rise. Teens especially are always in need of financial support in some way, and it is always a great feeling to purchase items with your own money. This time may seem like it would be difficult to make money, but you can!
A great way to make money and stay socially distant is to do yard work or landscaping. Outside work is great if you want to pick up a new hobby and also get a change of scenery. Being outside allows you to get vitamin D and appreciate nature more. Lawn services go beyond just cutting grass; you can trim bushes, tree limbs, and hedges. Junior Jimmy Liles said, “I work with my dad on landscaping. I really enjoy the money I earn and also how it gives me something to do.” Now that spring is here, plants are in full bloom. You can also plant flowers and shrubs for neighbors or just clean things up in general. In addition to outside work, you can also clean out garages, wash cars, clean houses, and touch up paint.
Another way to make money is to walk dogs or pet sit. Walking dogs lets you get in exercise as well as earning extra cash. Many people also have a hard time bathing or grooming their dogs. Bathing dogs is a fun activity to do especially since the weather is getting warmer.
Tutoring and helping out students who are having a hard time with their changed learning environment is a great way to make money. Zoom, Google Meet, and Facetime are a few of the platforms you can use to talk to people and stay socially distant. This option is also time efficient, and you can do it in the comfort of your own home. For only thirty minutes a day, you can charge up to $16 an hour, and it can vary depending on your experience.
If you want to stay inside, another source of income is selling items such as clothes, furniture, and anything you no longer use. Applications such as Depop, Etsy, and Marketplace allow sellers to list and market their items as they please.
Remember, making money takes time and effort. There is no shortcuts or fast way to make money. This is a hard time, so why not try to make the best of it. We are all in this together!