Sound Opinions: Should you travel during the holidays this year?

As Coronavirus is still spreading, traveling can be a risk for everyone no matter what happens. Taking trips during the holidays can be traditional, but while trying to stay safe, staying home is the best option for everyone.
November 19, 2020
Since March, when the Coronavirus first hit the United States, it has impacted all lives in different ways. The way we go back to school/work, play sports, see friends, etc. have all changed drastically. With the holidays right around the corner, many people want to hit the road to visit friends and family as in years past. However, everything is different this year. It is safer to stay home instead of risking spreading COVID-19. Therefore, in my opinion, nobody should travel this holiday season to keep everyone safe.
As the Coronavirus lingers, the elderly are at an increased risk for catching the virus as opposed to younger people. Although some of your family members may be young and healthy, many people still have elder family members that could be more at risk. While everyone in your family might not think they could contract the virus from each other, you never know where people have been or who they have been in contact with. Sophomore Kate Kilpatrick explained this: “Us kids have been around way more people than our grandparents have, and you do not want to put them at risk.” No matter what people think, you never know if someone has the virus and has been treated for it. If you insist on traveling, it is important to quarantine for two weeks or get a test before traveling so you can visit your loved ones with peace of mind.
Another thing to consider is that most people travel by plane to ensure that they get to their destination in time for the holidays. On planes, the seats are very compact, and you and your bags can rarely fit in your space. Even though the airports and airlines are saying that everything is safe, cleaned, and sanitized, there is still a risk of catching the virus from someone on the plane that does not know they could have it. Airlines also have really strict mask policies, and only flights more than 2 hours now can serve food and drinks, in order to reduce the risk of contracting COVID-19. Therefore, traveling already has its risks, but with airplanes having higher than normal risks can really make it difficult to stay safe during the holidays. If this information on planes does not change your plans of traveling and you still want to visit family and friends, consider traveling by car. This way, you are able to know everything that has entered and touched your car, makes you more aware of knowing what you could catch instead of being completely unsure about what might be on the planes.
With many things to consider when deciding on traveling or not for the holidays, always remember to stay safe, socially distanced, and travel to places with few known cases. Though this year is very different and things have been changed for your safety, you can still have a good time with family and friends for the holidays this year while being safe. For example, you can talk by video chat to still be with each other. Remember to ask your loved ones if they are comfortable with you visiting them before you arrive, so that they can be aware of the precautions they need to take, if you decide to travel. Try to refrain from traveling this holiday season for your safety, and wear your masks no matter what you do.
Don Jones Jr • Nov 19, 2020 at 9:49 am
Very good information for everyone considering to visit family over the holidays!!
Enjoyed reading it!