Style File: How to Find Your Signature Color

Finding your color can seem quite complex without the proper tools. Using your hair color as a part of your outfit can make it much more simple.
October 10, 2021
With the fall season approaching, many are in search of their signature color. Whether it is for holiday events, homecoming, dinner parties, or even just a cute fit for school, knowing “your color” is something that can up your style game with only one piece. You can truly add a single color to your wardrobe, and it can change your life. Knowing your color helps you pick out outfits with ease and can flatter you in a way you have not seen before.
For people with blonde hair, most brilliant colors can make you look incredible. Bright blues, vibrant reds, and other warm tones can make your hair and outfit pop. Mixing one of those colors with a simple outfit can help you figure out your signature color and bring you newfound confidence. Strong patterns also are not the best for blondes with fair skin because it draws all attention away from you.
For brunettes (brown hair), darker-toned colors can bring your outfits together nicely. They could be described as jewel tones such as ruby, emerald, or sapphire. You can mix these colors with neutral tones in your outfits. For example, white pants and an emerald green top or a tan top with red shorts. Although neutral tones work nicely with bold colors for brunettes, an outfit with all softer or neutral tones would not be flattering. This is because it leaves little room for contrast.
For those with red hair, your unique hair color can pull off many different options. Vibrant reds and oranges typically suit strawberry hair very well. White can also be used to make your hair a focal point. Pastel colors are something to stay away from because they are not a great pairing with such a distinctive hair color. Tip: Swap out black for blue. Blue and red are complementary colors that create a nice, subtle contrast. Junior Sheridan Ely has strawberry blonde hair and tells Cat Talk that “reddish-purples” were one of her favorite colors to wear because “the warm tones of the hair and color go together…and compliment the lightness.”
The best piece of advice Cat Talk can give to find your color is to monitor contrast. Like mentioned before, complimentary colors are important to style. They are pleasing to the eye which is what fashion is all about. Never forget that how you feel is most important. Confidence looks best on you!