Police Chase of Murder Suspect on Litchford Road

Greenville man Meleec Greene crashes into Litchford Road utility pole after police chase. Police blocked off the intersection due to damaged traffic lights.
November 5, 2021
Wednesday afternoon, local police began a car-chase with murder suspect Meleec Greene down Litchford Road that ended in a car crash. The Wake County Sheriff’s Office was asked by the Greenville Police Department to help locate Greene due to his pending attempted murder charges. The Sheriff’s Department tracked him down around Old Wake Forest Road on Wednesday afternoon. After the office’s Impact Team attempted to corner him, Greene fled the scene in his vehicle.
Police chased Greene until the intersection oft Gresham Lake Road and Litchford Road. Greene crashed into a utility pole, which caused several traffic lights to come down. Greene was then arrested on a felony speeding charge and other traffic offenses. The car-chase caused an officer to be stationed near Nichols Road to direct traffic away from the scene. Greene is now being held in a Wake County Detention Center until he is transferred to a Pitt County facility.