What Does Millbrook Do for National School Psychology Week?

Mrs. Martinez, the school psychologist, says: “Getting in GEAR together can help us set goals for growth, engage in action steps, advocate for needs, and raise our voices in discussions to create the connections necessary for students to develop critical academic and social emotional skills.”
November 8, 2021
National School Psychology Week, celebrated from November 8th to November 12th, is a week when schools throughout the state and county bring awareness and thankfulness to school psychologists and teachers that help students grow emotionally and academically. Millbrook celebrates this week by student services showing appreciation to the school psychologist, Ms. Martinez and by running campaigns, this year’s theme is “Let’s Get in GEAR.”
After surveying the student body it was discovered that many students are not aware that Millbrook celebrates National School Psychology Week. Junior Tessa Leung, who took AP Psychology as a sophomore and is a member of Psychology Club, says, “I am very glad we are having a psychology awareness week, especially in a time where mental health is being more talked about and less stigmatized. We should all try to become a little more aware of different psychological aspects of life.”
This year Millbrook’s theme for National School Psychology Week is “Let’s Get in GEAR” School Psychologist Ms. Martinez says, “The theme’s acronym provides a challenge to grow both personally and professionally. It encourages us to engage in best practices and advocate for children’s access to mental health and learning supports.” Ms. Martinez is passionate about her job and encourages students and staff “To ‘rise’ implies resilience and renewal, despite the challenges of the past.”
The overall idea is that getting in gear brings everyone together; it creates unity. Ms. Martinez goes on and says, “When one gear moves, the gears connected to it move as well. When we move together, there is a positive energy that builds and becomes greater than any single effort.” Hopeful that this motion creates positive momentum amongst the school community, Ms. Martinez continues, “We grow together; we engage critical systems, and we advocate and rise together.”
Ms.Harris, The Dean of Students, works closely with Ms. Martinez. Ms. Harris says, “Ms. Martinez and I teach the suicide prevention course to freshman health classes. We went through the steps of what students should do if a person they know or they are feeling like this. I feel like it is even more necessary now. Due to the pandemic, students were confined in a room for so long, and that can be challenging mentally.” She also says, “Our job is to bring awareness and help share and inform students about school psychology.” Ms. Harris really admires Ms. Martinez and enjoys working with her.
National School Psychology Week is an opportunity to recognize that each student here at Millbrook is important. Thankfully, Millbrook has people like Ms. Martinez and Ms. Harris works here to help the students. If a student is struggling with mental health, reach Ms. Martinez at her email address [email protected] and her office is located in student services.
Jeremy Ayuk-Takem • Nov 8, 2021 at 9:34 pm
Love the article Dez, keep up the good work!