Anne-ticipating Anne of Green Gables

Posing for a picture, the cast of Anne of Green Gables takes a short break from their last rehearsal before the show. Anne of Green Gables premieres Thursday, November 5.
November 5, 2015
Millbrook High School prides itself on the fact that it is not only a school about solely getting a great education, but also to allow students to become well rounded and globally mindful. It, therefore, makes sense that Millbrook has a phenomenal arts program-with phenomenal student participants. November 5-7, our drama department is putting on a production of Anne of Green Gables. If you had ever seen a Millbrook production before, you would know that they are always extremely professional, original, and well executed.
Anne of Green Gables is a story about an outgoing twelve year old orphan named Anne Shirley, who is accidently sent to live with middle-aged siblings Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert. The story unfolds and shows how she makes friends, gets into trouble, and becomes a part of her community.
Senior David Thomas, an actor playing the part of Robert Lynde, reveals, “It’s such a different and interesting play that Millbrook has ever done, and people of all ages will enjoy the crazy, quirky characters.”
The cast and crew of Anne of Green Gables has worked tirelessly for the past few months. They have come over the weekends and stayed lengthy amounts of time after school rehearsing their lines and readying the set. The “techies,” as they are nicknamed, have worked strenuously to create the durable and beautiful early nineteenth century costumes. They have also worked very hard to put together the set, props, lighting, and sound to make the production run smoothly-and not to mention make it more enjoyable.
Sophomore Aurora Becker, makeup chief and member of the costume department, admits, “I didn’t think costumes would be so difficult until this show.”
The actors and actresses have also worked tirelessly, having to memorize lines and stay for long rehearsals. Actors and actresses have expressed how much they enjoyed getting to know their character and digging deeper into the script. Their abilities to take the scripts and interpret them in a way that is so creative and well thought out is what takes Millbrook productions to the next level.
Mr. Kotzian, the main theatre arts teacher at Millbrook and director of the production, expresses, “I think audience members will enjoy seeing how Anne uses her imagination and positive attitude to empower her, rather than wallowing in the muck of self-pity.”
Anne of Green Gables has been worked on for months now, and it is finally being shown to the public Thursday through Saturday. Students and teachers will proudly unveil a production in which they put their blood, sweat, and tears into. So if you are free this weekend, Anne of Green Gables is a highly recommended production to attend.