School within a school
While at the zoo, Adam Wenzel puts his photography skills to the test. The Digital Media Career Academy takes trips to help students demonstrate the skills they develop in class.
November 24, 2015
Digital Media Career Academy, one of the few technology based courses to take here at MHS is an opportunity for students to be in a small school within Millbrook. The academy all started with the proposed idea from a former assistant principal. They then reached out to adults, such as Ms. Romano, and started to progress the making of the Academy. Digital Media Career Academy coordinator, Mrs.Cassandra Walton, stated her reasoning behind becoming the director of DMCA: “I decided to take part in the DMCA because I really believe in the academy model. I think there is great benefit in cohorting our students and allowing them to build camaraderie with a group of students who share similar interests.”
There are many adults involved in the academy that have the same passion for ensuring that the students of Digital Media are equipped with the experience they need in the career path of their choice. Ms. Romano, Digital Media and Advanced Digital Media teacher, became a part of this new and thriving program because she felt as though it was a amazing way for students with the same drive for technology to be able to collaborate and share the experience.
With the opportunity to take integrated courses, students are given the benefits of project-based learning, job shadowing and field trips. A recent field trip that has happened in the DMCA was the trip to the NC Zoo. Once at the Zoo, students were given the task to shoot different types of photographs. Adam Wenzel, a sophomore in the academy, stated, “Going to the zoo allowed us to take time and understand what it would be like to do work such as photography.” There have also been other field trips, such as the trip to the Living Arts College. DMCA sophomore student Sarah King said, “It gave me an idea of how college is, and it was really cool to see the variety of classes you can take.” Through the year the students are provided to be involved in mentoring opportunities by attending events such as DMCA Career Day. Career Day was an event where the students were able to get pointers for interviewing for jobs, for Photoshopping and also college application tips from your counselors. The Digital Media advisory board is made up of professionals from certain fields who volunteered to keep students and staff up to date with job requirements and their new technologies.Many students in the academy were glad to be in a atmosphere where what they are learning in the classroom can be brought to life in college.
One of the best things in Digital Media is the interactive aspect of it. If you are a part of the academy, you automatically are set with people that you can collaborate with, grow with skill-wise and also learn from. “Having classes intertwined creates a connection between academics and career readiness,”said Ms. Romano. That mixed into classes also can be a benefit for many students. In addition, students who are in the academy for all 4 years of high school can perhaps graduate with more than just a diploma, but also with Adobe certifications. Being a part of this school within a school at Millbrook will build you up with skills for future career paths and also build you up for many more opportunities in the future.