The memorable Anne Hathaway has confirmed not only the return of the movie franchise but also her return of the character, Mia Thermopolis. The royal highness made her debut...
Last week was North Carolina's College Application Week, which is when many NC schools waived application fees. Meredith College, NC State, and UNC Chapel Hill are just...
The state bursts with vibrant colors and festive energy as fall sweeps into North Carolina. The leaves begin to fall and many events are a must to attend, there’s so much...
McDonald’s, one of the most famous fast food restaurants in the world, is now experiencing an outbreak of E. Coli. Investigators are determining whether the raw onions or...
On Wednesday, October 23rd, the World Language Induction Ceremony was held in the media center from 6:30 to 8:00 pm. Many students had the honor of being introduced to this...