What is Millbrook’s New Grading Policy and is it Actually Helping Students?
Photo provided by NC Department of Public Instruction
Millbrook’s new grading policy is backed by teachers and more consistent for students, but is it possible that the policy is too lenient with late work?
November 3, 2022
The first quarter of the new school year is coming to an end this week. That means final grades, extra credit, and a lot of last-minute late work being handed in to teachers. As many already know, Dr. Saunders introduced a new grading policy to replace the one that has been standing for two years, due to COVID-19. Teachers and students alike have been getting used to this change, and a key question as the quarter ends is whether or not the new policy has made an impact.
The new grading policy for this year states that late work, including assignments done in class, can be turned in for full credit until the end of that particular unit, or until three class periods have passed after the original due date. It’s a schoolwide change, meaning that students don’t have to deal with different grading policies from different teachers. Cat Talk caught up with the English department head, Ms. Lauren Genesky, who has enjoyed the change. She cites that, “…consistency is important, especially since students are juggling eight classes with eight different teachers.”
Speaking of students, how are they dealing with the change? Those who keep up with their due dates probably haven’t noticed much of a difference. But people who struggle with deadlines could possibly be struggling more than usual. One junior, Hannah Paulson, expressed her thoughts saying, “I like the idea. I think that students should get more breathing room, especially since you don’t really know what they have going on outside school. But also for the procrastinators, I feel like the new policy can be really enabling,”
The changes at Millbrook this year have been obvious. Everyone has their opinions, some good and some not so good. At this point in the year, most students aren’t sure yet about the new grading policy. The change does have some merit and looks to be a promising new system for students and teachers. In the wake of the ending quarter, make sure all assignments are turned in when they’re meant to be, and make quarter two even better than this one.