Gun Violence Reaches New Heights for NC Teens

Gun violence involving children is at an all time high. Change needs to happen.
February 28, 2023
It is no surprise that gun violence has been an issue in America for around a century. But, how about gun violence involving children? WRAL news says, “North Carolina children are 51% more likely to die from gun violence than the national average.” In 2021, reports found that 93 children in North Carolina died from homicide and 63 of suicide from the use of a gun. More than 20 times this month, guns or threats of them have been made around the Triangle at public schools. In the past week alone, Millbrook High School and Jordan High School have both had a gun on school campus. Angelina Tran, a student at Millbrook High School who was at the Basketball game where a firearm was brought on school campus says, “I didn’t really know what was going on at the time. I hope more security will be implemented now” These incidents show just how important the fight to stop gun violence needs to be.
With these overwhelming statistics, we are prompted with an important question. How do these children even get their hands on firearms? Research shows that children who use a gun for suicide or homicide get the guns from their homes said Rebekah Levine Coley of Boston College for Society Research in Child Developement. The North Carolina Child Fatality Task Force is trying to involve law makers to keep guns away from children’s hands. The Task Force is working to implement state funding for firearm storage to keep guns away from children’s reach, preventing potential harm. Gun violence involving children has reached an all time high and change needs to happen, to learn more about this topic visit