The ups and downs of working during high school
Walking with her friendly aussie, senior Sapna Chhabra works a part-time job as a dog trainer. This job is helping her gain the experience to further her goal of being a professional dog trainer in the future.
February 18, 2020
Going to football games, joining clubs, and taking challenging but engaging classes are all a part of the high school experience. One of the most life-changing things that prepares students for life after high school is their first “real” part-time job. Whether you define your first real job as babysitting or getting weekly checks from an official business, it is something unforgettable. However, most question if working during the school year is a good experience or a limiting factor to your academic success.
Having a part-time job has many benefits for teenagers, the biggest being teaching the value of money. Being able to earn your own money and not being entirely dependent on your parents feels good, especially when you are able to purchase things that make you happy. Gaining an income is an important factor according to senior Tucker Caruso: “When you are planning to get a job, you need to understand what you are getting into and the commitment it requires. But, money always makes it worth it.” A crucial skill students who work part-time acquire is time management. If you struggle with budgeting your time, getting a job might help you learn the value of staying on schedule and using your time wisely. Additionally, having a chance to work builds confidence for some who are more introverted. Another pro is that being on a staff is a great opportunity to make good friends, build up work experience, and gather a list of references that will help you later on. Part-time jobs look good on college resumes, especially for students who are not involved in many extracurriculars. Having a chance to gain work experience is beneficial in developing your character and helpful for achieving future goals.
While having a job during high school is great for many reasons, there are some negatives associated with being employed. A job can limit academic achievement due to the hours spent at work rather than studying. Another con to working is the image a career can portray of adulthood. Working normally includes a glimpse of adult life with things such as taxes, seeing the problems older coworkers face, and sometimes strict bosses. This lifestyle also can lead to less free time, which can be good for those who like to stay busy, and less sleep. However, these factors do not make everyone’s work experiences negative. Senior Fernando Lugo-Carillo said, “Working at Lowes does consume a lot of my time. However, I manage it well, so it does not affect me much.”
After reading these important factors you should consider when questioning the idea of getting a job, you can decide if it is good for you depending on your lifestyle. If so, some great places to work at as a teen are Chick-fil-a, McDonald’s, Goodberry’s, and Harris Teeter because they are companies known for giving jobs to students at young ages, do not require much experience, and offer scholarship programs.