Beginning Teacher of the Year: Mr. Thrash

Provided by: R. Thrash

Mr. Thrash is Millbrook’s Beginning Teacher of the Year for the 2021-2022 school year. He was previously in the Army and now teaches extended content for exceptional children.

EvanKate Page, Staff Reporter

  Every year, new teachers come to Millbrook High School, and every year, one new teacher gets recognized as “Beginning Teacher of the Year.” With so many new teachers, it can be a struggle to choose just one winner, so if a teacher wins, it means they are excelling and doing a fabulous job. This school year’s Beginning Teacher of the Year winner is Mr. Thrash! Beginning his work at Millbrook in February 2021, as a teacher of extended content for exceptional children, Mr. Thrash says, “My students that I work with are AU, on the autism spectrum and intellectual disabilities.” Mr. Thrash has previously been an instructional assistant at an alternative school for students that were long-term suspended. Before that, he was an IA (Instructional Assistant) at a charter school. He has also served as a social director for youth services, track-out camps, and summer camps for grades K-12. He has also done career programs for seniors. Mr. Thrash has had plenty of experiences that have helped him adapt to his new role here at Millbrook. 

  Mr. Thrash was surprised when awarded the honor: “I didn’t even expect that. I was really blown away and surprised; they caught me off guard.” During the process of selecting Mr. Thrash, Principal Mrs. King says, “He has come in, and he has done the thing. He has figured out what teaching is and is doing those things.” Mrs. King describes him as “organized” and “calm,” which are qualities of someone best fit for his role. She also describes Mr. Thrash as having “a good intuitive nature”.  

  When Mr. Thrash found out there was an opening for a special education teacher, he jumped right at the chance to get it. He had to get certified to qualify for the job, so now, he is doing everything to get certified. Getting the certification is hard and some people end up quitting, but he is not giving up. He told Mrs. King, “This is where I want to be, this is who I want to work with, and this is what I want to do.” Mr. Thrash’s determination, hard work, and kindness are all being recognized by staff every day.

  Mr. Thrash has impacted so many lives just by being his kind self. Mrs. Midgette describes Mr. Thrash as “one-of-a-kind.” She explains, “He works closely with his students to build relationships with them and their families, and he makes sure that every day they are at Millbrook is a good one.” Mr. Thrash has created a welcoming and safe learning environment for his students. Mrs. King expresses her gratitude towards Mr. Thrash by saying, “We’re lucky to have him. I  feel very lucky that he chose Millbrook High School, and the kids are very blessed to have him as their teacher.” Mr. Thrash’s determination, friendliness, organization, and calmness are all contributing factors to winning Beginning Teacher of the Year. Congratulations, Mr. Thrash!