Cercle Français: French Club

The French club was present at the Activities Fair and spread the word about the club. It is not too late to join, just stop by the French rooms or join the Remind by texting @9cahc8 to 81010!

EvanKate Page, Assistant Social Media Director

  The beginning of school brings lots of new opportunities for students to join activities and clubs. Millbrook has a variety of clubs to choose from, including language clubs for French, Latin, Spanish, and more. The French club had its interest meeting on September 14, and is in full force for the school year! The officers of the club include Senior and President Emsley Jackson, Junior and Vice President Vendela Gustafsson, and Junior and Secretary Evan Kate Page.


The French club is more student-led this year, with the two French teachers, Mademoiselle Demeny and Mademoiselle Bugaeva, as advisors. Given that the club is more student-run, Mrs. Bugaeva says, “I think it is important to have the students that run the French club have the opportunity to share something that they like with their fellow classmates. Also to gain leadership experience.”


President of the club, Emsley Jackson says, “the thing I’m looking forward to most this year is the creation of a little community of like-minded people, a place where people who like French culture or food or anything French can hang out.” The point of the French club is to allow those interested in French culture to explore their curiosity and possibly take a French class in the future. President Emsley Jackson also adds, “The thing I’m looking forward to most this year is the creation of a little community of like-minded people, a place where people who like French culture or food or anything French can hang out.”


Anyone can join the french club; you do not have to be fluent in French or even in a French class. Mrs. Bugaeva tells the Cat Talk, “I think from the first meeting there was a lot of interest. I have even had some students in French 1 ask about French Club who did not go to the initial club meeting and are now interested in joining.”


 The first real meeting of the french club is on October 19. Jackson describes the environment as “laid back, very comfortable.” The meetings consist of learning about French culture by doing a fun activity. The French club has wonderful things ahead of it this year!