Science Olympiad is an international non-profit organization. It is a STEM competition founded in 1984. It provides standards-based challenges to 6,300 teams at 425 tournaments in all 50 states. As stated on their website,, they are “devoted to improving the quality of science education, increasing student interest in science and providing recognition for outstanding achievement in science education by both students and teachers.”
Science Olympiad includes many events. Life, Personal & Social Science includes Anatomy and Physiology, Disease Detectives, Ecology, and Entomology Microbe Mission. Earth and Space Science contains Dynamic Planet Road Scholar, Fossils, Meteorology, and Reach for the Stars. Physical Science & Chemistry has Air Trajectory Wind Power, Crime Busters, Optics, and Potions and Poisons. Technology & Engineering includes Helicopter, Mission Possible, Scrambler, and Tower. Inquiry & Nature of Science events are Codebusters, Experimental Design, Metric Mastery, and Write It Do It.
The Millbrook Science Olympiad club was created in 2019 by Ashley Novak. The club currently is led by only one officer, Senior Grey Hall, and consists of 20 members. The Club advisor is Science teacher Lindsey Jones. Their mission is to inspire students to pursue science topics that interest them. To prepare for next year, Hall said, “I am reaching out to sponsors and making study material. I want to improve the club so more people can go to the State tournament. It has been so scary because it’s the first time I’ve ever led a club. I believe the club can improve significantly now that I have experience leading it.”
On January 26, the Milbrook Science Olympiad team competed at the Chatham County event. Two members, Audrey Williams and Mariel Trice, placed first in the Bungee Drop event. They will be going to the North Carolina State Tournament. Lola Vogelsberg and Tyler Giles placed second in the Astronomy event. Volgesberg said, “I was nervous because it was my first time competing, but I felt prepared in the knowledge I had. Communicating with my partner during the research section was crucial. I had fun learning more about astronomy.” Hall placed fourth in Astronomy. Giles and Araina Camacho placed fourth in Chem Lab. Olivia England placed fourth in Disease Detectives.
Hall said, “Please join! There is an event for everyone. It is a time commitment but it is so fun!” Science Olympiad offers scholarships to alumni! The Science Olympiad USA Foundation also offers scholarships for high achieving Science Olympiad seniors. Five $10,000 awards are awarded annually. Science Olympiads looks amazing for college applications, especially if you place. The club is also engaging and allows you to collaborate with your friends!