Facebook Live murderer commits suicide amid police chase

Notorious for having a loving community of friends and strangers, Facebook’s recent live feature took a turn for the worse on Easter Sunday. Steve Stephens, the man guilty of the recorded murder, shot himself earlier today after being caught by the cops.


Notorious for having a loving community of friends and strangers, Facebook’s recent live feature took a turn for the worse on Easter Sunday. Steve Stephens, the man guilty of the recorded murder, shot himself earlier today after being caught by the cops.

Emma McDonald, Staff Reporter

 The man guilty of randomly selecting and killing a 74 year old Cleveland man while recording the murder on Facebook committed suicide earlier today after being caught by the police. Going by the name of Steve Stephens, the suspect was spotted at a McDonald’s drive-through when workers phoned the police. Soon thereafter, Pennsylvania State Police chased him from the McDonald’s for about two miles, where his car was finally rammed. Police report the situation as an immediate suicide, in which Stephens shot himself once his vehicle came to a stop.  However, Stephens had no criminal history and held a job at a children’s behavioral center in Ohio, leaving questions behind as to why he would do such a thing; the only strange behavior Stephens expressed was noticed by his mother, who claimed that he had said a farewell to her the weekend of the killing. Police are still unsure of the motive behind the murder, though information has been released that it may have had to do with his girlfriend, Joy Lane–the name Stephens asked the old man to say. More news on Stephens’ motives and the case to come soon.