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Cat Talk

The student news site of Millbrook High School

Cat Talk

The student news site of Millbrook High School

Cat Talk

All content by Zoe Werner
Resting on top of a field of bushes and greenery, this oil tank is similar to the one in which the bodies of Celeste and Bella Watts were discovered. Ther mother, Shannan, was found in a shallow field nearby.

Catastrophic Crime: A Fresh Start

Zoe Werner, Staff Reporter
February 9, 2021
Planning and organizing one’s events can increase readiness felt by the individual. As a result, confidence is increased by the feeling of preparation and security in one’s actions.

Being the best version of you!

Zoe Werner, Staff Reporter
April 29, 2020
Edward Jenner invented the vaccine for smallpox in the 18th century. Today, a possible Coronavirus vaccine offers hope to those ill and those financially debilitated by quarantine.

Patterns among past pandemics

Zoe Werner, Staff Reporter
April 22, 2020
Former NFL player OJ Simpson was accused of killing his ex-wife Nicole Brown and her friend Ron Goldman. He was acquitted in a trial that overlooked all concrete DNA and blood evidence.

Proving OJ Simpson guilty

Zoe Werner, Staff Reporter
March 25, 2020
Drinking tea alleviates throat soreness and can stifle coughing. It is known to soothe chest pain and relax chest muscles.

Naturally relieving cold symptoms

Zoe Werner, Staff Reporter
February 14, 2020
Stuffed into the back of large vans, victims of trafficking and modern slavery are forced to travel long distances in small spaces. Victims often view this smuggling as their only hope, believing that success waits for them in powerful, economically developed countries.

Catastrophic crime: Modern-day slavery

Zoe Werner, Staff Reporter
December 18, 2019
Frightened by emotional and physical abuse, the self-esteem of many students plummets. This lack of confidence leads to a decrease in class participation, which has a dramatic effect on grades.

Bullying: Impacting school performance

Zoe Werner, Staff Reporter
December 18, 2019
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