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The student news site of Millbrook High School

Cat Talk

The student news site of Millbrook High School

Cat Talk

The student news site of Millbrook High School

Cat Talk

Laura Conoly

Laura Conoly, Editor-In-Chief

Hey guys! First of all, thank you so much for visiting the Cat Talk website! My name is Laura Conoly, I am an IB Senior, and I am your Editor-in-Chief this year! I am also a third year staff member of the Cat Talk, so it is definitely very near and dear to my heart. Some of my pass times are being a part of Millbrook plays and musicals, reading, and going to football games. My favorite off-campus lunch spot is Rise and I have two dogs named Weezie and Elvis. I write the regular feature Creative Cats, which is a spotlight on a student involved in the arts. I hope you enjoy reading all the amazing articles you can find here on the Cat Talk website and come back very soon! Much love, bye!

All content by Laura Conoly
Featuring two brave heroines, Red Sparrow and Breaking In are two fantastic thrillers that came out this year. Though many fans had many worries with Red Sparrow it was, no doubt, one of the most mysterious and suspenseful movies of the season.

Lights, Camera, Action

Laura Conoly, Editor-In-Chief
May 22, 2018
Showing their Millbrook pride, the 2018 Service Club inductees enjoy their reception with one another. At this year’s assembly twenty one new members were inducted into Service club for their outstanding involvement in the Millbrook community.

Recognizing Wildcats who serve

Laura Conoly, Editor-In-Chief
April 29, 2018
Both featuring their central narrator, these posters for I, Tonya and The Imitation Game both display the tone of their movie. Both of these films are based on extraordinary people facing life in the best way they know how, with each movie sharing the untold story of what had been forgotten throughout history.

Lights, Camera, Action!

Laura Conoly, Editor-In-Chief
March 16, 2018
One of many examples of the criminalization of drug use, this sign prohibits the exchange of drugs. However, many are proposing a new approach in which there are safe sites for addicts to take their drug with clean needles and information about rehabilitation.

A safe haven for shooting up

Laura Conoly, Editor-In-Chief
March 16, 2018
Displaying the complexity of romantic relationships, 10 Things I Hate About You and How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days are classic romantic comedies. Both of these films make for a fantastic Valentine’s Day, no matter what your plans are!

Lights, Camera, Action!

Laura Conoly, Editor-In-Chief
February 11, 2018
Promoting two of the most beloved musical movies, both The Greatest Showman and Mamma Mia! Are fan favorites. Musical movies are a magical way to use both music and theater to create a story that can be shared with a wider audience.

Lights, Camera, Action!

Laura Conoly, Editor-In-Chief
January 20, 2018
Promoting two of the most beloved movies in cinema, Heathers and V for Vendetta are both works that have lived on far beyond their opening day. Movies like these fall into the unique category of cult classic and have massive followings that will leave them remembered for generations to come.

Lights, Camera, Action!

Laura Conoly, Editor-In-Chief
January 10, 2018
Representing NBC at a TIME event, Matt Lauer has been an icon of the TODAY show for two decades. As of November 29, Lauer has been fired from the program after complaints of sexual misconduct against a colleague.

Matt Lauer fired from TODAY

Laura Conoly, Editor-In-Chief
November 29, 2017
Posing as an IB senior class, the 2016-2017 seniors finally made it to graduation. As the class of 2018 begins this harrowing process, it is important to be aware of all the deadlines and requirements before the big day!

Rise of the almighty ’18

Laura Conoly, Editor-In-Chief
October 30, 2017
Each portraying a unique scary situation, these three films are Halloween classics. HUSH, A Nightmare on Elm Street, and the Corpse Bride make for a perfect Netflix binge for the spooky season!

Lights, Camera, Action!

Laura Conoly, Editor-In-Chief
October 29, 2017
Standing in his iconic yellow raincoat, Georgie starts off the smash hit, IT, by being tempted by the scary clown that eventually becomes known as “it.” This 2017 adaptation of one of Stephen King’s most iconic novels has been terrifying audiences across the country since its opening night, September 8.

IT, the it movie of the year

Laura Conoly, Editor-In-Chief
September 17, 2017
Smiling after yet another flawless performance, Kyrese Washington is one of Millbrook’s most talented musicians. Kyrese has shared his love for music with Millbrook and the wider community and encourages everyone to take advantage of the Millbrook music department.

Creative Cats

Laura Conoly, Features Editor
May 18, 2017
Hard at work with a paintbrush in hand, junior Katie Krull has taken the arts department by storm. Katie is the Set Crew Chief, an artist, and a dancer, along with running cross-country and maintaining a strenuous and AP heavy schedule.

Creative Cats

Laura Conoly, Features Editor
March 19, 2017
Dancing with phenomenal technique, Kayla Styll has quickly shown herself as an incredible talent within the Millbrook arts community. Kayla is a dancer, singer, and guitar player with an amazing passion for music.

Creative Cats

Laura Conoly, Features Editor
March 16, 2017
The most coveted statue in Hollywood, the Academy Awards premiered February 26. With serious competition in every category, the stars and movie-goers alike happily anticipated the big night.

The hottest guy in the room: Oscar

Laura Conoly, Features Editor
March 1, 2017
Re-sparking book banning controversy, And Tango Makes Three about two male penguins raising a baby penguin named Tango was commonly challenged by parents. The banning and challenging of books in schools is a common occurrence that is not entirely necessary.

Save the children from the books?

Laura Conoly, Features Editor
February 2, 2017
Drawing the eyes of every audience member, Emily Vandersip has a passion for dance that is undeniable when she performs. She has dedicated endless time to the arts department at Millbrook in her four years, as well as in the wider community.

Creative Cats

Laura Conoly, Features Editor
February 1, 2017
Rehearsing for Millbrook’s fall production Flowers for Algernon with Sarah Bailey, Carmen Blackwell, and Carson Weddle, Vinnie Davies is a noteworthy arts student. He is a part of the arts both in and out of school, as an actor and drummer.

Creative Cats

Laura Conoly, Features Editor
November 19, 2016
Having undergone massive bleaching in recent years, The Great Barrier reef is in serious danger. After a recent article claiming the reef is dead, there has been massive backlash over if the reef is dead or just on its way there.

The Great Barrier Reef: dead vs. dying

Laura Conoly, Features Editor
October 21, 2016
Standing for his mug shot, Brock Turner was sentenced to six months in jail after being found guilty of raping an unconscious woman. Lenient sentencing is one of the major repercussions of the United States being tolerant with rapists, thus creating a horrific American rape culture.

Battling American Rape Culture

Laura Conoly, Features Editor
October 19, 2016
Rehearsing for Flowers for Algernon, junior Chloe Daniel tirelessly works of perfecting her performance for this year’s fall play. Chloe is not only a cast member in Millbrook shows, but also a member of the Madrigals.

Chloe Daniel

Laura Conoly, Features Editor
October 19, 2016
One of the most recognizable faces of this generation, Edward Snowden released top secret National Security Agency data to the press and then fled to Russia in 2013. Snowden’s supporters are calling for President Obama to pardon him, and the decision has been widely debated among both candidates and the public.

Possible pardon for Edward Snowden

Laura Conoly, Section Editor
September 27, 2016
Working on the spring musical, the cast of Annie Get Your Gun can use their experience in theatre on college application. Junior Sydney Hewett has been participating in the Millbrook productions since freshman year, which is one of many great ways to look desirable to colleges.

How to: college

Laura Conoly, Staff Reporter
March 17, 2016
 Chris Rock, who hosted the 2005 Oscars, will be hosting them again this year despite controversy about the lack of diversity in the nominations. The Oscars will be on February 28 and people are anxious to see how Rock and audiences will handle the nominations and wins.

Are the Oscars really so white?

Laura Conoly, Staff reporter
February 25, 2016
Standing in her favorite power stance, sophomore Sarah Bailey loves this tip for staying empowered. Holding a power pose for two minutes everyday can help with daily confidence and be helpful in tackling the day.

How to be confident

Laura Conoly, Staff Reporter
February 19, 2016
Home to loads of inventions and gadgets science fiction fans are hopeful to see in the future, Star Wars has been sparking fans’ imaginations for decades. As scientists continue to research, they learn many ideas that came from science fiction may be possible.

Debunking space fact vs. fiction

Laura Conoly, Staff Reporter
February 19, 2016
Protesting for the Black Lives Matter movement, two women speak out against the police violence against kids like Trayvon Martin. Black Lives Matter is a group fighting stereotypes to stop the public from being afraid of African Americans, and therefore stop the violence against them.

Stopping stereotypes

Laura Conoly, Staff Reporters
January 13, 2016
Holding her creation, Eleanor Roosevelt looks at her legacy of freedom to all global citizens. Every year on December 10, Human Rights Day is an internationally celebrated holiday to commemorate the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The anniversary of fight for rights

Laura Conoly, Staff Reporter
December 10, 2015
Crusaders of female empowerment, sophomores Katie Hockar and Megan Lochen were the student sponsors of Women’s Empowerment Club. When the club was rejected, students and faculty questioned if the grounds it were denied on were valid.

Fighting for female empowerment

Laura Conoly, Staff Reporter
November 28, 2015
Writing in her agenda, sophomore Heather Checko uses her planner to keep track of assignments and important dates. An agenda is one of many possible methods for staying organized and stay at ease.

How to stay stress free

Laura Conoly, Staff Reporter
November 16, 2015
Gyre by Thomas Sayre stands at 150 feet tall and is one of the pieces of art the volunteers keep maintained. Volunteering and helping the community is not only helpful to you but also helps others.

Why should you volunteer?

Laura Conoly, Writer
October 16, 2015
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